Monday, 9 April 2012

The first few Ks

It happened! The much anticipated first "Post Baby Run". I've thought about it non stop I've dreamt about it and now I have finally done it. You couldn't wipe the cheesy grin off my face all day...

The Gods were kind and gave me perfect running conditions. A beautiful autumn day, 19 degrees with a soft breeze. I started out steady and gradually picked up the pace for the second half. I'm pretty sure you can't talk about "negative splits" when its a 4km run but hey it felt like a marathon to me.

I Finished with an average pace of 6min29 and with that in mind I have set the paces I am hoping to be hitting in 6 weeks:

Long run pace - 6min
Tempo run pace - 5min30
Intervals (100s -400s) - sub 4mins

After that first run I feel that building up the distance is going to be harder than reaching the speeds and since my goal is to focus on quality and not quantity I think these targets will keep me on track. That said, speed or no speed, I am just enjoying being back and will be grateful for each and every run and remember that this is not the year for PBs but just to enjoy running and motherhood (see New Year Resolutions)


  1. Well done!! So proud of you.

    1. Tks hun. At least now I have child birth to make everything else seem easier ;)
