Friday, 21 September 2012

Moving, moving, moving

Its not my legs moving for a change...

Thats right... Mummy Loves to Run is packing up and trundling over to Word Press.

What does this mean?

1) We can now be found at mummylovestorun dot com
2) The new sight wont be "aesthetically pleasing" for a wee while... looking THIS beautiful doesn't happen overnight
3) If you follow by email please sign up to follow by email on the new site
4) If you use a reader or have Mummy Loves to Run saved in your favourites (like you all would!) please update to our new address

Changing to Word Press was on my "when I have some spare time" to do list. Then last night I realised my next spare time is scheduled for 2018! So I bit the bullet and started the process.

Word Press is much more sophisticated but also looks a little more complicated so bear with me as I learn.

I hope you enjoy our new home!

Any advice on moving from Blogger to Word Press? What other things should I be thinking about?

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Its time for a training week fortnight wrap.

Since the last training update I have managed to get some longer runs under my belt and I am starting to feel ready for this half marathon!

Thanks to the September Miles Madness I have been motivated to tack a few extra Ks on all my sessions and not just my long runs and this has seen me achieve my highest mileage week EVER!

With the exception of some specific 'post baby' soreness (apparently all the kegels in the world don't strengthen you for DISTANCE running) my body has adapted well to the higher mileage.

The Hill sessions on the other hand completely shocked my body and left my hamstrings screaming. I chose very gentle hills, did extra long warm ups and kept the reps low. Even though I felt like I didn't push very hard IN my hill sessions my legs talked about divorcing me for days after. Given how much of a shock the hills have been I am only going to squeeze two more hill workouts in between now and the race. I certainly don't want sore tired legs like that close to the race. Its been a long time since I have experienced DOMS and in some sick and twisted way it sure felt good to know that I pushed my legs in running.

When Sunday rolled around I was planning on heading out for 90 minutes on my own while Big A took care of Little A. But cuddling up with Little A on the bed (in the morning when he is just ALL smiles) was just too much fun... how could I leave this little guy behind???? So I suggested to Big A that I take the stroller and he come along on his bike. We decided to run/ride in to the City and have breakie along the River Torrens and run/ride home. Running home on a "big breakkie" and a belly full of coffee was a bit rough but it certainly was a nice way to mix my running up and squeeze some more time in with my two favourite people!

Tempo and Intervals are going well. I had a great Interval session last week in which I attempted 3 minute 30 second Ks. I failed. My fastest was 3 minutes 35 seconds. How amazing are these Olympic female athletes... they run 42.2km at a pace that I can't even maintain for 1km!!!

This morning my Tempo Run included 30 minutes at 15kmp/h which is another personal best for me... Suddenly a sub 20 minute 5km seems possible and dare I dream of a 40 minute 10km!?!?!

All in all I am mentally and physically in a great place for this half marathon. Now the only problem is making sure I am geographically in the right place for this half marathon... an unexpected trip away might mean I wont be able to race the McLaren Vale Half. Fingers crossed though! Anyone know of any Virtual Half Marathons on the weekend of October 14th? I need a back up plan!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

World... Hold On!

Just a quick post to assure my 2 readers (Hi Mum!) that I haven't fallen off the blogosphere.

Apparently my relaxed pace is a bit too slow for this fast pace world. Over the last week I just can't seem to find time for much more than eating, playing & running!

No cleaning, no blogging and no pureeing. So I am putting myself on "house arrest" for a couple of days to catch up.

Running is going great guns. Last week I clocked up 70km which is my biggest mileage week since returning to running post baby.

In other news (you mean there is something other than running!?!?)....

Spring is here and Little A and I are lapping up the beautiful weather and spending every second we can outside!

I took my lunch break outside while Little A slept... Clearly I'm a very busy woman!

I am very proud to announce that our Apple tree is sprouting green which is great news considering Little A is the first thing I have successfully kept alive ever!

Training week wrap to follow soon...

Monday, 10 September 2012

Mindful Mothering

"By the time we have children, many of us have become so achievement-orientated, so goal-driven, so addicted to busyness that we lose out ability to relax along with our capacity to notice what is going on in the now. One of the greatest gifts children bring is the way they guide, if not force, our attention back home to the present. Young children live in the present moment, oblivious to the past, unconcerned about the future. They see objects, people and events with fresh eyes, and with wonder. If we choose to, we can take on their viewpoint and see our surroundings as if for the first time. Once jaded, world-weary parents can find themselves lying in their backyards, fascinated at the proceedings of an ant colony. If we let them, children can teach us the value of time with no objectives, a skillful kind of laziness free from the need for productivity."

This is an extract from Sarah Napthali's book Buddhism for Mothers of Young Children, becoming a mindful parent which I was gifted from a beautiful friend and mother.

Am I buddhist? No, but this book is definitely my #1 recommended read for any new parent. Getting up multiple times in the night to a teething child is always easier when you are filled with compassion and understanding. Don't get me wrong, I don't bounce out of bed smiling to tend to Little A and lets face it, sleep deprivation can make all rational thoughts go out the window. But empathy, understanding and compassion can help how we experience those difficult times.

This year I set a New Year's resulotion to have inner peace. The goal was NOT to be happy but to be at peace within myself which in turn has bought about greater happiness. I don't believe feeling happiness all the time to be possible and or even appropriate... should we be happy when faced with loss? I don't think so!

Earlier this year I did a meditation course run by buddhist teacher Kelsang Norjin. I was 35 weeks pregnant at the time and if meditation wasn't challenging enough trying to meditate with an active little boy in your belly was near impossible. That was ok though, I didn't go for a day of meditation but instead I had enrolled hoping to learn the art of meditation. I knew I would have lots of practice to do outside of the course. What I didn't know was just how hard true meditation is.

Going in to this class I believed meditation to be a relaxing process in which you let your mind free. I quickly discovered I was wrong. In actual fact it is the exact your mind and FOCUSING on one thing. There is nothing relaxing about learning and trying to master meditation. It takes discipline and perserverance. I found it to be extremely difficult and frustrating.

By lunch time I was ready to give up. After 2 morning sessions of meditation I think I had achieved up to 3 breaths of "true" meditation. Luckily I bumped into the teacher on lunch break (before I made my planned escape) and after being informed that 21 breaths is "master level" of meditation I was starting to feel a little more encouraged. "Bugger it" I thought, I might as well have another crack... so I stayed for the afternoon session.

By the end of the day I was feeling much more comfortable and relaxed with meditation. Whilst I hadn't progressed past 5 breaths in a row I felt I had learned a lot and couldn't wait to try it out without the interruptive kicks from my belly!

How did my head get filled with so much stuff that I could't truly focus on ONE thing (my breathing) with NO other thoughts for more than 5 seconds?!?!

Fast forward 7 months and life is much different. When Little A was a newborn I could pass hours just gazing at him and feeling him breath on my chest, then it was hours spent engaging with him as he became more aware. Now it is hours sitting in the high chair experiencing food and watching him discover and experience everything for the first time. Life is lived at a much more relaxing pace and such simple things bring me joy.

Yes there is lots of chaos here too. Days when I can't wait for bath time to come around because I feel so stretched and exhausted. Days when the endless washing and folding makes me feel so unispired.

Luckily, they are dispersed between moments of absolute wonder and amazement and I am so grateful to be aware of and capable of fully experiencing these.

My journey to living mindufully started before Little A was even in my belly (not long before) but Little A's arrival has only enriched it and assisted me to slow down and live in the present.

If you are looking for a beautiful book to read, I highly recommend Sarah Napthali's Buddhism for mothers of young children, becoming a mindful parent.

If you are looking for a "challenge" to enrich your life I highly recommend learning the art of meditation... just don't expect results over night!

Thursday, 6 September 2012

6 months

It feels like yesterday Little A gave us his first smile. Now he just can't wipe that cheesy grin from his face.

Mind you he does have a lot to smile about. This month Little A got his first set of wheels! No longer happy to "sit" back in his rocker we decided it was time for a walker. After test driving a couple...

"Not my style mummy"

"Does it have power steering"

We finally settled on this one...

He loves standing up in it and is slowly figuring out that if he "pushes off" he moves. Mind you he can't seem to get it out of reverse at the moment which causes him great frustration!

Also making the Little guy smile is his new Jolly Jumper...

Anything that tires that bundle of energy out makes mummy happy too!

This month saw the arrival of two teeth! Teething is joyful... NOT!!! Bucket loads of drool, bright red cheeks, short naps, frequent night waking and a sad and grizzly boy.

The Womens and Childrens Hospital teething gel worked wonders for us when his second tooth cut through. Little A has never really taken to "teething toys" which is strange because he his happy to put just about anything else in his mouth...

We are only one tenth of the way through the whole teething process but I can tell you the best advice and treatment for a teething baby (in our limited experience) is CUDDLES!

we have continued to introduce Little A to new foods and he is now enjoying 3 meals a day. New on the menu is Pumpkin, Carrot, Banana, Pear, Broccoli & Lentils.

We have also introduced rusks. I love them because they will keep Little A entertained for at least 20 minutes but I hate them because the aftermath takes about 20 minutes to clean up!

"What mess mum?"


Last month I was left wondering if we would still have to wrap this boy when he was 13! Turns out that teething may have just helped Little A to move out of wraps. One night Little A grizzled until he had his arm free (to put in his mouth!)

The next night I wrapped him with an arm free and the night after that we said good bye to wrapping and are now using sleep sacks. I love Sleep Sacks! Apart from being super cute they are so practical. Although after 5 months of having him pinned down it was a little scary to walk in and find him down the other end of the cot or on his belly playing...

I would love to say that Little A has been sleeping through the nights and we have all been getting loads of sleep but that would be a FAT LIE! In reality we are all getting the least amount of sleep since Little A came along.

Rewind a month or two ago and the only reason Little A woke was to feed. Easy... feed and back in cot. Now it feels like there are 100 different things going on. Teething. Growth spurts. Seperation anxiety (yep, Suddenly he is aware he is all alone in his room and if he cries mummy & daddy come).

As much as I am happy to demand feed, I don't want to be used as a human dummy so it's been a challenge to establish what's really going on each night and tend to him in a way that I am comfortable doing long term. We seem to have gotten on top of it... for now!

Finally, here are some of my favourite pics from this month...

"who changed the channel?"

"Mummy & Daddy will never find me here"

"Can you get my phillips head?"

"mummy will be in BIG trouble when dad sees this photo!"

"Hmmm... Everything looks a bit orange."

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Running East

Time for a training week wrap up...

My long run this week was 90 minutes and I am pleased to say has left me feeling quite confident about building up distance again. After 2 rough nights with Little A I was itching to let loose on the track. I decided to run East for a change (toward the hills, not away from them). But I was hoping to hit my turn around point (halfway) before I hit any big hills. No such luck! Instead about 4 Ks of my Long Run resembled more of a hill session. And as if the hills weren't enough at about 60 minutes it started to spit... despite the weather man assuring me that there was NO chance of rain (I even double checked again as I left home). So the final 30 minutes felt more like a tempo run as I powered home in a race against the weather.

On the positive side the unexpected hills proved that running hills with the stroller was possible... Two new challenges for me that I hadn't planned on mixing (hills & stroller running). So the next day when I was due for my first hill session in 2 years I decided to head out with Little A in the morning rather than wait for Big A to get home so I could run 'sans stroller.

I ran for 3Ks to warm up before I found a suitable hill for my repeats. Depending who you ask my hill may have looked more like a mound but it was enough for this novice hill runner. I certainly feel that I have mixed up my training... my calves will tell you all about it.

For speed work this week I did 800s. I managed all of them around the 3 minute mark but I am looking forward to coming back to these again in a couple of weeks as I held back a smidge due to a hammie niggle (which has thankfully buggered off now!)

The training week ended with a rest day for fathers day... Big A's first. It was an awesome day filled with lots and lots of yummy food (a Polish FEAST). Thanks to leftovers it is a never ending feast! Let's just say I am well fuelled for my runs this week!

Little A has his 6 month immunisations today. I will probably take a rest day to be on hand for extra cuddles and to work on his 6 month update... Coming soon!