Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Running East

Time for a training week wrap up...

My long run this week was 90 minutes and I am pleased to say has left me feeling quite confident about building up distance again. After 2 rough nights with Little A I was itching to let loose on the track. I decided to run East for a change (toward the hills, not away from them). But I was hoping to hit my turn around point (halfway) before I hit any big hills. No such luck! Instead about 4 Ks of my Long Run resembled more of a hill session. And as if the hills weren't enough at about 60 minutes it started to spit... despite the weather man assuring me that there was NO chance of rain (I even double checked again as I left home). So the final 30 minutes felt more like a tempo run as I powered home in a race against the weather.

On the positive side the unexpected hills proved that running hills with the stroller was possible... Two new challenges for me that I hadn't planned on mixing (hills & stroller running). So the next day when I was due for my first hill session in 2 years I decided to head out with Little A in the morning rather than wait for Big A to get home so I could run 'sans stroller.

I ran for 3Ks to warm up before I found a suitable hill for my repeats. Depending who you ask my hill may have looked more like a mound but it was enough for this novice hill runner. I certainly feel that I have mixed up my training... my calves will tell you all about it.

For speed work this week I did 800s. I managed all of them around the 3 minute mark but I am looking forward to coming back to these again in a couple of weeks as I held back a smidge due to a hammie niggle (which has thankfully buggered off now!)

The training week ended with a rest day for fathers day... Big A's first. It was an awesome day filled with lots and lots of yummy food (a Polish FEAST). Thanks to leftovers it is a never ending feast! Let's just say I am well fuelled for my runs this week!

Little A has his 6 month immunisations today. I will probably take a rest day to be on hand for extra cuddles and to work on his 6 month update... Coming soon!


  1. Great job tackling those hills! I have really lacked in hill work and will be regretting it by the time I get to San Francisco.

  2. San Francisco... Now I wouldn't mind running those hills.

    Serious Race envy!!!

