9 days ago we welcomed our little boy to the world. Now we are settled in at home and finding some kind of a routine... well as much routine as you can have with a newborn. In between spending hours just gazing at out little wonder and the rigourous feeding and changing routine I have started my journey back to runner.
Since our return home I have enjoyed daily walks with hubby and bubby. Even thoush I am dying to pound the pavement these walks are quite the workout after more than a month of only "waddling", not to mention the addition of a pram (which is quite the workout up the hills!!)
As far as strengthening the body I have been doing my kegels religiously and have also started some light core exercises (and I mean light!). Hopefully next week I can step it up another notch if all is going well. All in all I feel great to be on the build back and am not going to risk injury by rushing it.
So there wont be a whole lot of running for the next few weeks but there will be a whole lot of mummy stuff so I will use this space for now to share some of my "new mummy" experiences.
Stay tuned....
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