Saturday, 31 March 2012

Turd Time

Also known as Witching hour "Turd Time" is when our adorable little munchkin acts like a monster. It generally looks something like this. . .

This can carry on for 5 minutes or the full hour. If it happens at the right time of day the monster can get chucked (not literally) in the pram and silenced in a short amount of time. But if like last night he decides to have it at bed time its all about patience and endurance as you sit in the dark nursery rocking, patting and trying to ignore the piercing screams. Honestly its a great time to make mental lists, plan your meals for the week or generally just zone out. Lets face it, he's been cleaned, fed and burped and the last thing I want to do is engage with him while trying to get him to sleep so I might as well be productive!

Last night was particularly painful firstly because it was the first one we had endured at bed time (when he is usually at his best) but also because about a minute before he started I was in the kitchen about to get desert. So the whole time I sat in that rocking chair I was thinking about Neopolitan ice cream in a waffle cone. . .

The amazing thing about "Turd Time" once its over its over. In the blink of an eye you have your angel back. . .

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